Maximizing the impact of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
The fight against climate change has gained a powerful ally in the form of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). …
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Senior Manager, Assurance
Services: Audit, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), Reviews & Compilations
Industries: Consumer Business, Nonprofit
Su has over 10 years of experience in public accounting, serving a wide variety of nonprofit clients, primarily private foundations, environment and youth focused community organizations as well as arts and culture. She has extensive experience in the areas of alternative investments, endowments and program-related investments. Her experience also includes advising nonprofit organizations on Uniform Guidance and Single Audits.
Prior to joining BPM, Su worked at a nonprofit community development organization serving low-income families in the Bay Area by developing affordable housing and building safe and vibrant neighborhoods.
Su is active in BPM’s Nonprofit Industry Group and she assists in developing and conducting internal nonprofit training sessions.
With a passion for serving the community, Su works to connect with mission and impact-driven organizations. She also helps lead BPM’s Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) team, which works to help clients gain insight into key ESG metrics and makes recommendations to improve their societal and environmental impact.
Su Rim holds an active CPA license in California.
Su enjoys exploring new hiking trails in the San Francisco Bay Area and visiting national parks every year.
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