Global Tax Strategy

Enhance international business benefits with a company-specific global tax strategy.

Global Tax Strategy Consulting

In today’s rapidly evolving global tax and business environment, companies also need to continuously monitor and periodically revise their global tax strategies to maintain optimum worldwide tax and business results.

BPM’s dedicated Global Tax Strategy Consulting (GTSC) Group has the in-depth knowledge, experience and resources required to help you identify, develop, implement and maintain a company-specific global tax strategy that facilitates and enhances your global business and financial successes. Our GTSC Group is dedicated to developing global tax strategies that help companies achieve their global business objectives in the most tax-effective manner, by minimizing U.S. and foreign cash tax costs, improving global after-tax cash flow, reducing worldwide effective tax rates, and increasing owner and shareholder value.

BPM’s GTSC Group also performs more limited international tax strategy reviews to help companies identify, evaluate and address specific areas of potential U.S. and/or foreign tax optimization or tax risk management. Our international tax strategy reviews are in-depth factual and technical analyses of one or more key factors influencing a company’s global tax position, such as its worldwide structural and effective tax rates, global transfer pricing strategies and results, foreign tax credit optimization opportunities, supply-chain structuring, M&A and joint venture planning, post-merger integration and legal entity rationalization, and exposure to country-specific tax risks and penalties.

Our GTSC Group provides companies with strategic perspectives on key factors affecting their global tax results. Our global tax strategy consulting and international tax strategy reviews serve as valuable platforms for discussion and decision-making as it relates to areas of potential U.S. and foreign tax optimization or tax risk management – an important tool to help ensure optimum worldwide tax and business results.

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