Penetration Testing Services

Protect your organization: Uncover vulnerabilities through comprehensive penetration testing

Penetration testing is the practice of simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities in systems, applications, people and processes—all before malicious actors can exploit them.

As a team of true cybersecurity practitioners, we’re dedicated to working closely with you to protect your organization; we’re not just another faceless security provider. When you work with us, you get a partner passionate about fortifying your defenses against even the most sophisticated threats.

Ready to invest in your business’s security and peace of mind? Schedule a consultation today to learn how our penetration testing can strengthen your cybersecurity posture.

Exploring BPM’s Penetration Testing Services  

At BPM, your organization’s security is not just a box to check. Our BPM1™ Service Model is designed to empower you at every step of your security journey, creating an exceptional client experience tailored to your unique needs. When you choose BPM for penetration testing, you gain direct access to the most qualified cybersecurity professionals in the industry. Our turnkey solution goes beyond simply identifying vulnerabilities; we offer integrated solutions that address your specific vulnerabilities and threats. 

Options for penetration testing include, but are not limited to the following:  

External network penetration testing

Our team simulates an attack from outside your organization’s network, mimicking how a real-world hacker would act. We identify vulnerabilities in your organization’s external-facing network infrastructure, such as web servers, email servers and firewalls. This helps prevent future disruption to your network services. 

Internal network penetration testing

We find vulnerabilities within your organization’s internal-facing network infrastructure, such as workstations, internal applications and servers. Then, we simulate an attack from within the organization, such as from a malicious insider or an attacker who has already breached external defenses. This helps prevent an attacker from escalating privileges or accessing your sensitive data.  

Web application penetration testing

A specialized assessment targets web-based applications to identify security flaws, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and broken authentication. It helps ensure your web applications are secure against various attack vectors and compliant with best practices.  

Red team engagements

This style of engagement takes place over a longer period than a traditional penetration test and involves simulating real-world cyberattacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s network, systems and defenses. 

Cloud security assessments

We assess the security of your cloud-based environments, such as infrastructure, platforms and applications hosted on cloud services. This helps identify misconfigurations, insecure APIs and more.  

Social engineering and phishing assessments

Our assessments evaluate the human element of your security, exploiting human behavior through phishing emails, phone scams and more. This helps your organization strengthen its security culture. 

Physical security assessments

We send our specialists onsite to assess an organization’s physical security measures, such as access controls, surveillance systems and personnel security, to identify vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses. 

The BPM penetration testing process  

Our penetration testing specialists maintain open communication and collaboration throughout the process. BPM’s methodology is broken down below.  

Proven track record of penetration testing success

BPM has established itself as a provider of the experience needed to manage small- to large-scale, complex engagements. Our team has a long history of delivering successful penetration testing engagements across various industries, including finance, healthcare, public utilities, technology and beyond. We work with various levels of government in the United States.   

Additionally, we are well-positioned to assist organizations in other countries that may not currently have the same degree of regulation as the U.S. to protect their information.  

Our clients trust us to rigorously assess their security posture and provide the insights they need to strengthen their defenses. Some examples of our successes include:  

  • Over 25 years of successful partnerships with banks, credit unions and financial institutions, delivering tailored cybersecurity solutions to protect sensitive financial data and transactions. 
  • Trusted cybersecurity provider for state and local governments, with a proven track record of securing critical infrastructure and helping ensure compliance with governmental regulations. 
  • Extensive experience in assessing and safeguarding supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and other critical infrastructure, enabling the implementation of robust security measures to defend against cyber threats. 
  • Trusted experience in navigating complex compliance frameworks such as HIPAA, NERC CIP, FISMA and PCI DSS, with a demonstrated history of helping clients achieve and maintain regulatory compliance. 
  • Recognized for our nonprofit organization-friendly approach, providing cost-effective cybersecurity solutions while maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy protection. 
  • Strategic partnerships with healthcare organizations and member networks, offering tailored cybersecurity services to help safeguard sensitive patient information and meet regulatory requirements. 
  • Proven track record in working with tribal governments, addressing unique cybersecurity challenges and fostering trust and collaboration within tribal communities. 
  • Broad commercial success portfolio spanning diverse industries, including real estate, manufacturing, technology and more, showcasing adaptability and comprehensive cybersecurity specialization across various sectors.