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Dina Firestine

Dina Firestine

Associate Director, Assurance
Employee Benefit Plan Leader
Location: San Jose |
Areas of Expertise: Employee Benefit Plan Audit

Dina has over 20 years of experience working in public accounting and professional service firms. Dina specializes in auditing employee benefit plans and oversees the majority of the plan audits for BPM’s Silicon Valley Region.

Dina works on a number of employee benefit plan audits each year including 401(k) and 403(b) Plans, working with both public and non-public companies in a variety of industries. Her technical skills and hands-on experience make her an invaluable resource to our clients and staff.

Since joining BPM in 2008, Dina has also served as an instructor, teaching classes and hosting seminars on employee benefit plan-related topics.

Quick facts

  • Instructor – BPM University

BS/Business Accounting – University of Phoenix