
2024 is poised to be a pivotal year for blockchain and digital assets.

pdf download buttonDownload the Ten Blockchain and Digital Assets trends e-book to learn about the developments shaping the future of this exciting industry in 2024.

It’s not just cryptocurrency anymore.

From gaming to real estate, supply chain to healthcare, blockchain technology and digital assets are impacting virtually every industry. Together, they are transforming the way we interact, digitally, economically and socially.

Increasingly, companies recognize the technology’s potential to streamline their blockchain operations and reduce costs. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is enabling peer-to-peer financial transactions that bypass traditional institutions; non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are becoming increasingly mainstream; and governments are exploring the potential of digital currencies.

Blockchain and digital assets trends to expect in 2024

As the use of blockchain and digital assets continues to grow, it is driving innovation, fostering economic development and creating new opportunities. At the same time, the widespread adoption of blockchain technology has implications for sustainability, taxes, accounting and government regulation.

In our e-book, Javier Salinas, BPM’s Blockchain and Digital Assets Industry Group Leader, shares his insights on the industry and its impact on 2024 — and beyond.

pdf download buttonDownload the full e-book to learn about the developments that are shaping the future of this exciting industry.



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