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Let’s face it. Since the pandemic, the workplace looks different. With 26% of U.S. employees working remotely as of 2022 and 16% of U.S. companies operating fully remotely, the way we think about performance management needs to change.

Performance reviews have always had a bad reputation. They are often perceived as scary, time-consuming, top-down, pointless… and so on. With an increasingly large remote workforce, they seem more difficult; however, they are more critical now than ever.

Have no fear. Performance conversations can (and should) be simple, employee-driven and — dare I say it — fun.

Here are three suggestions on how to make your performance conversations easier for 2023 and beyond:

1. Ditch the paper. Yes, it is time. Invest in “sticky” technology that employees will continue to use, and is mobile-friendly and accessible, wherever and whenever employees want — whether they are remote or coming into the office, day or night.

        • BPM Link’s solution: With our web-based and intuitive platform, your employees can access their portal from anywhere in the world. With Zoom and Teams, check-ins will no longer be dreaded, and they can be conducted remotely with ease.

2. Make the connection. Human nature drives individuals to create responsibilities and set achievable goals that interest them. Allow employees to drive the process by setting their own goals first and then show them how those goals will directly affect the company in achieving its goals.

        • BPM Link’s solution: Employees take the driver’s seat when it comes to their performance (of course, managers approve). They can create their own measurement criteria and define what success looks like.

3. Short and sweet. Conversations should be efficient, proactive, ongoing and facilitated. Keep the conversation focused on relevant updates and any needs to pivot or adjust priorities. Reviewing responsibilities and revisiting goals should remain a focus year-round and not just during the year-end review discussions when it’s too late.

        • BPM Link’s solution: Individuals can hold meetings with their managers within the tool — anytime and anywhere. BPM Link is employee-driven, and individuals can set meetings whenever they want to check in on progress and get feedback.

The performance management process is a very important part of the overall employee experience. Instead of viewing it as a necessary evil, we encourage you to flip the script. Make the process about listening, motivating and connecting your workforce in a meaningful way.

Designed by HR leaders, BPM Link is a tool that focuses on your people. Contact us today for a customized one-on-one demo. Because People Matter.

Headshot of Madison Wong

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