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services: Tax Planning

Watch an in-depth overview of the latest tax and accounting updates impacting the nonprofit sector

On August 9, 2023, BPM hosted what has historically been the most popular installment of its Nonprofit Education Series: Accounting and Tax Update. The webinar was hosted and moderated by Daniel Figueredo, BPM’s Nonprofit Co-Leader, and featured detailed remarks from:

This interactive session focused on a number of top-of-mind topics, including:

  • A recap of recent accounting standards (including lease standards, contributed nonfinancial assets, credit losses and more), as well as a refresh on effective standards.
  • An update on current projects on the horizon, with a focus on accounting for the disclosure of crypto assets and the disclosure of software costs.
  • Single Audit and Uniform Guidance updates.
  • Various tax updates, including a summary of new guidance regarding the Inflation Reduction Act, an overview of transferable tax credits and much more.
  • A summary of upcoming priorities for the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities services.
  • Various e-filing and state tax updates.

Watch a replay of the session here

First launched in 2007, the Nonprofit Education Series is an extensive webinar program that discusses current and emerging topics impacting nonprofit organizations. Be sure to register for our next session on September 14, 2023, titled, “Fuel the Fire: Strategies for Boosting Employee Experience and Retention.”

Register now for our next session on September 14


Shannon Winter



Headshot of Daniel Figueredo.

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