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Woman at deskWith most of the changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act having gone into effect last year, many taxpayers faced some surprises when they filed their 2018 income tax returns. To save the most on your 2019 taxes, you need to be familiar with the changes and how you may need to adjust your tax planning strategies.

This is exactly what our Tax Planning Guide is designed to help you do. We hope you find this guide helpful in identifying steps you can take to reduce your personal and business tax liability.

As you look through the guide, please note the strategies and tax law provisions that apply to your situation or that you would like to know more about. Then contact us with any questions you may have about these or other tax matters.

Our professionals are thoroughly familiar with the latest tax law developments and tax-reduction strategies, and are eager to help you take full advantage of them. Please call or email your tax advisor with any questions you may, so we can guide you through the tax planning process.


Rich McDonnell


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